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Day 10 of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 10th present!
Today is Number 10 – Listening.


Suniai – Listening

Suni-ai siDh peer sur naath. Listening – the saints, priests, warriors and recluse.

Suni-ai Dharat Dhaval aakaas. Listening – the earth, its support and sky.

Suni-ai deep lo-a paataal. Listening – the oceans, lands of the world and the nether regions.

Suni-ai pohi na sakai kaal. Listening – Death cannot even touch you

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. Listening – pain and sin are erased. 8


Suni-ai eesar barmaa ind. Listening – Shiva, Brahma and Indra.

Suni-ai mukh saalaahan mand. Listening – even foul-mouthed people praise Him.

Suni-ai jog jugat tan bhayd. Listening – the technology of Yoga and the secrets of the body.

Suni-ai saasat simrit vayd. Listening – the Holy Books, Philosophy and the Vedas.

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. 9 Listening-pain and sin are erased. 9


Suni-ai sat santokh gi-aan. Listening – truth, contentment and spiritual wisdom.

suni-ai athsath kaa isnaan. Listening – bathe at the sixty-eight holy places.

Suni-ai parh parh paavahi maan. Listening – reading and reciting, honor is obtained.

Suni-ai laagai sahj Dhi-aan. Listening – one attains sure dedication.

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. 10 Listening-pain and sin are erased. 10


Suni-ai saraa gunaa kay gaah. Listening – dive deep into the ocean of virtue.

Suni-ai saykh peer paatisaah. Listening – the religious scholars, spiritual teachers and emperors.

Suni-ai anDhay paavahi raahu. Listening – even the blind find the Path.

Suni-ai haath hovai asgaahu. Listening – the Unreachable comes within grasp.

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. 11 Listening-pain and sin are erased. 11



The Dutch Kundalini Yoga festival is also organising a 40 day meditation challenge with the 8th Pauri from JapJi, the first on Suniai.

You can subscribe HERE (in Dutch).

Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

Day 10 of the Cherdi Kala Yoga Advent Calendar

Enjoy your 10th present!
Today is Number 10 – Listening.


Suniai – Listening

Suni-ai siDh peer sur naath. Listening – the saints, priests, warriors and recluse.

Suni-ai Dharat Dhaval aakaas. Listening – the earth, its support and sky.

Suni-ai deep lo-a paataal. Listening – the oceans, lands of the world and the nether regions.

Suni-ai pohi na sakai kaal. Listening – Death cannot even touch you

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. Listening – pain and sin are erased. 8


Suni-ai eesar barmaa ind. Listening – Shiva, Brahma and Indra.

Suni-ai mukh saalaahan mand. Listening – even foul-mouthed people praise Him.

Suni-ai jog jugat tan bhayd. Listening – the technology of Yoga and the secrets of the body.

Suni-ai saasat simrit vayd. Listening – the Holy Books, Philosophy and the Vedas.

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. 9 Listening-pain and sin are erased. 9


Suni-ai sat santokh gi-aan. Listening – truth, contentment and spiritual wisdom.

suni-ai athsath kaa isnaan. Listening – bathe at the sixty-eight holy places.

Suni-ai parh parh paavahi maan. Listening – reading and reciting, honor is obtained.

Suni-ai laagai sahj Dhi-aan. Listening – one attains sure dedication.

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. 10 Listening-pain and sin are erased. 10


Suni-ai saraa gunaa kay gaah. Listening – dive deep into the ocean of virtue.

Suni-ai saykh peer paatisaah. Listening – the religious scholars, spiritual teachers and emperors.

Suni-ai anDhay paavahi raahu. Listening – even the blind find the Path.

Suni-ai haath hovai asgaahu. Listening – the Unreachable comes within grasp.

Naanak bhagtaa sadaa vigaas. O Nanak, the devotees are forever in bliss.

Suni-ai dookh paap kaa naas. 11 Listening-pain and sin are erased. 11


The Dutch Kundalini Yoga festival is also organising a 40 day meditation challenge with the 8th Pauri from JapJi, the first on Suniai.

You can subscribe HERE (in Dutch).

Sat Naam,
Every day until Christmas, we have put a yogic gift for you into the reindeer’s bag. And each day it will be something different.
It could be a brief video yoga class, or a numerological (Karam Kriya) sharing about the qualities of number 12 (December) or of the year ahead. It could be one of our favorite recipes for this time of the year, or a voucher for an upcoming event. It could be one of our favorite kriyas, or a specific meditation we practice for these times, or a mantra to chant throughout the day to keep your spirits up…or, or, or.
Advent means ‘the coming, or arrival, of’. It is widely used in preparation for the celebration of the coming of Christ. The incarnation of Christ Consciousness as recognized in the person of Jesus Christ. Christ Consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness, Nanak Consciousness, YOUR Higher Consciousness. Your Hu-Man, or Enlightened-Mind, potential.
So why not align to this group consciousness, this tradition held in many countries, to anticipate and celebrate your potential? By practicing Kundalini Yoga and Karam Kriya for your upliftment into Cherdi Kala, the Rising Spirit!
Each day we post a new link on Facebook with the reindeer bag. Follow the link and pick up your free gift.
And we love to hear from you in the comments how you like it and whether it was useful for your day.
Merry seasonal blessings,
Bachitar and Hari Krishan

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