Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level 1 Ibiza, Spain
Start 22 April 2024.
Course Goals
- Understand the fundamental nature, technologies and concepts of Kundalini Yoga.
- Have a transformational experience through the practice of these teachings.
- Develop the skills, confidence and consciousness required to teach Kundalini Yoga.
- Develop a lifestyle of consciousness.
- Experience a sense of community with other participants, local and regional teachers and 3HO worldwide.
- Develop a link to the Golden Chain through the teachings of Yogi Bhajan. and through Guru Ram Das, sitting on the throne of Raaj Yoga
- Acquire a wealth of tools to support others in times of challenges and uncertainty.
- Develop and deepen your ability to be a teacher in this Aquarian Age. To bring something to this world only you can bring.
“The kundalini experience does not mean you have gone into a deep breathless trance and are beyond this world. It integrates you more fully with reality and gives you a broader vision and sensitivity so that you can act more efficiently.”
Schedule and Times
The course is structured into three single and presential weeks of 6 days and one online weekend
Week 1 – Ibiza April 22 arrival from 4pm to April 29 departure 10am after breakfast (or in the evening of 28th)
Week 2 – Germany June 25 arrival from 4pm to July 3 departure 10 am after breakfast (or in the evening of 2nd)
Online September (exact date to be confirmed)
Week 3 – Ibiza November 11 arrival from 4pm to November 18 departure 10am after breakfast (or in the evening of 17th)
The overall teaching schedule for a training day is:
05:30 – 08:00 Sadhana
08:00-09:30 Break/Breakfast
09:30-13:00 Teaching
13:00-15:00 Break/Lunch
15:00-16:30 Teaching
16:30-16:45 Tea Break
16:45-18:30 Practicum
18:30 End of day/Dinner
On some evenings there will be evening sessions from 20:00-21:30, but not on all evenings.
Please note: This is a general schedule. Minor adjustments will be made where needed.
- The cost of the full course is 1.543,- Euro (for tuition, administration & general services, examination fee) if registered before 14. February 2024 and 1.693,00 Euro thereafter.
- Accommodation and full board vegetarian/vegan food is 1.907,00 Euro for the entire training
- For students who do not need accommodation on Ibiza the fee is 1407,00 Euro for accommodation in week 2 and food for the entire training.
Deposit/Registration fee:
A non-returnable deposit of 750,00 Euro is required with your application to secure a place. Exceptions are possible under extraordinary circumstances and will be dealt with individually.
If you register after February 14th you don’t make use of the early bird discount and your registration fee is 850 Euro.
Students must then pay the second instalment of the course fee of 793 Euro latest by June 1st 2024.
Accommodation & Food in three instalments of 635,67 Euro each latest on April 1st, June 5th and October 21st
Alternatively, you can pay the whole course at once when making the deposit.
Single Rooms
The above price is based on shared accommodation. Tierra Iris on Ibiza, where the training takes place for week 1 and week 3, also offers a few single rooms for those who prefer non-shared accommodation.
Additional fee for a single room per night varies between 20-30 €. Get in touch with us for the possibilities. These rooms will be given out on a first come first serve basis.
Cancellation Policy:
After registration you have 14 days to re-consider and cancel while receiving a refund of the registration fee if your cancellation is sent in in writing (email) before April 5. Cancellation after 14 days or after April 5 means the registration fee is non-refundable and the remaining course fee is payable as agreed with your registration.
Equal Opportunities Policy:
While honouring a policy of non-discrimination on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or ethnicity Cherdi Kala reserves the right to refuse entry to any students on grounds of general unsuitability and to refuse continuation of the course as a consequence of inappropriate or discriminatory behaviour.
Registration and Training Contract
You wish to register for this transformational journey? Follow our registration link (https://forms.gle/4wZCBKfYKD6EiYZb9).
For further questions please contact Tera Seema Kaur teraseema@gmail.com. Thank you
“The purpose of life is to watch and experience living.
To enjoy living every moment of it.
And to live in environments which are calm, quiet, slow, sophisticated, elegant. Just to be. Whether you are naked or you have a golden robe on you, that doesn’t make any difference. The ideal purpose of your life is that you are grateful—great and full—that you are alive, and you enjoy it.”
Location, Accommodation, Food
- The week in April and November will take place at Tierra Iris on Ibiza Sa Bassa Roja, 07816, Balearic Islands, Spain
- The week in June will take place at Yogahouse Prasaad in South-Germany
Yogahouse Prasaad I Almenstrasse 11 I 78234 Engen-Anselfingen I Germany I www.prasaad.de
Arrival for each week is the day before and departure on the evening of the last day (from 18:00 onwards) or in the morning the next day. You can find the exact dates and times on page 10 in the “Schedule & Times” Section
Vegetarian/Vegan Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner are included. Accommodation is in shared rooms ashram style, double rooms, single rooms and in tents.
Please direct any enquiries to: Tera Seema Kaur at teraseema@gmail.com